Tag Archives: Xinjiang

Western China And The Silk Road


We’ve always planned to include visiting China on our family world trip. Until last weekend this wasn’t much more than an item on the list of countries we plan to visit. Then, while flipping through maps in the excellent Wide World Books and Maps travel store, my husband threw me a “how about we go here” curveball which almost knocked me flat. His idea? “Let’s follow the Silk Road”. “You want me to take my children into Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran?” was my shocked reply. Waving a copy of Lonely Planet’s ‘Pakistan and the Karakoram Highway‘ he said “When you read Three Cups Of Tea you said that you’d love to visit that area.” This is the essence of my relationship with my husband: he comes up with crazy ideas and I, being a plodding, practical person, figure out how we can turn the ideas into reality.
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