Photo Friday: Lime Kiln State Park


tide pool

We all have them: photos of our children which perfectly encapsulate both time and place and the child’s personality.

When we visited Lime Kiln State Park on San Juan Island this past Labor Day, BigB was bound and determined to see some ‘real tide pools’ i.e. tide pools which were actually, you know, on a beach – as opposed to the ‘fake tide pools in the Seattle Aquarium‘. So here he is, in full hot-weather, sun-protective gear, with only his nose in the water. Apparently the display of cold-water anenomes and other tide pool vegetation was worth the effort.

We actually stopped at the park since it’s known as one of the best land-based locations for whale watching. There are three pods of Orcas living in the waters around these islands and they frequent this channel regularly.



Unfortunately, we didn’t see any whales on our visit, but we did see seals and porpoises. And, of course, the tide pool show :)

Another great Photo Friday.

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Photo Credit: seamusnyc


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About wandermom

". . .life is short and the world is wide" - Simon Raven I'm not sure I've ever consciously planned a trip based on this sentiment, but it definitely influences my subconscious! I've been traveling as frequently and widely as possible since I finished school. And I love it. I love the research, the planning, the fervent packing and the curiosity of exploring somewhere I've never been before. My husband & I are both Irish - as in born-in-Ireland. But we live in Seattle. We have two boys: wild, boisterous, regular boys. So, since becoming a Mom, I've been a WanderMom. Given our slightly-unusual family situation, routine "visits-to-Grandma" are international trips requiring passports, 10hr-flights and (oh joy!) airport transfers. I have rants, raves and opinions about how, where & why to travel with kids (start them as young as you can, I say!). I hope to learn even more by researching topics which other wandermoms may be interested in reading about on this blog. Passports, pacifiers, diapers and gameboys at the ready - off we go! Contact Info: Email Michelle: michelle (at) murphnduff (dot) org

9 thoughts on “Photo Friday: Lime Kiln State Park

  1. Lucia

    Great shot of your son….you are right: it is so wonderful when we are able to capture those moments of authentic experiences especially with our kids. And I love seeing those orcas. We used to live on Puget Sound and I will never forget the evening we stepped outside and discovered a pod of orcas swimming around. It was one of the most magical moments I have ever experienced.

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