Tag Archives: Ecuador


Landing the Daily Catch in Puerto Lopez


We were on our way to visit Machalilla National Park to look at wildlife. First we had to step over the carcasses of sharks littering the beach in Puerto Lopez. Ironic, no?

Read more about our travels in Ecuador here.

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On the Beach in Puerto Lopez


Our trip to Isla de la Plata, Ecuador, departed from the beach in Puerto Lopez. When we arrived there was a frenzy of activity on the beach as the day’s catch was unloaded from a flotilla of small fishing boats.

Read more about our travels in Ecuador here.

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Waiting for the Bus in Ambato


A couple waiting for the bus in Ambato, central Ecuador. Life is harsh in the Andes, they could be in their thirties or in their sixties. I couldn’t even hazard a guess.

Read more about our travels in Ecuador here.

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Iguana in Bolivar Park Guayaquil


An iguana preening in Bolivar Park, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Simon Bolivar Park is a small, pretty city park in the center of Guayaquil, Ecuador. It is also home to a large colony (possibly extended family?) of iguanas. They scramble around your feet, drape off the trees and, like this one, preen in the sunshine. Enjoy!

Read more about our travels in Ecuador here.

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Museum Of Modern Art Cuenca



Kids goofing at the entrance to the sculpture garden in the Museo del Arte Moderno in Cuenca. I’m still stunned that we managed to visit the museum.

Head on over to DeloiciousBaby for more travel-themed Friday photo fun.

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Street Scenes Puerto Lopez Ecudaor



This is a street-side view of the waterfront in Puerto Lopez. Although there are stores along the street, there are also plenty of street sellers, usually on bicycles, who work along this street.


From a distance, we thought this guy was selling bread rolls but on closer inspection, it turned out he had a box of various treats and pastries for sale. Guess who had happy kids once the (arduous) selection was finished and the treats paid for?

Head on over to DeloiciousBaby for more travel-themed Friday photo fun.

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