Over the past few weekends, we’ve been trying to get out hiking as much as we can firstly, because we (my husband and I) like to hike and secondly because we need to all be prepared to hike the Machu Picchu Trail in October. My kids usually complain about going hiking because they’re geeky boys who’d prefer to spend their free time in front of a computer or playing video games, but they also usually end up enjoying themselves too. On the drive to the trailhead for the Annette Lake hike, I told them that I’d booked and paid for Machu Picchu and we talked about what the should expect on this adventure. Ironic then that they’d notice that llamas were OK on today’s hike.
In case you need another reason for why you should go hiking with your kids in Western Washington. Look at that photo: there’s bright sun, clean, fresh air, and the thunder of snow melt in the river below.
Towards the end of the Annette Lake trail, there’s a large, hallowed-out tree stump which naturally my kids wanted to climb into (despite the steep drop behind it!). Here’s BigB doing his best Gollum impression from inside the stump.
These photos are presented as a part of the Photo Friday series hosted by DeliciousBaby.com.
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